
Rédacteur en chef

Garry Aslanyan, WHO

Comité de rédaction
Editorial Commitee

Marko Stanovic, UNCTAD
Ling Jiang, WHO
Yulia Lemenez, UNDP
Ivana Knezevic, WHO
Phillippa Biggs, ITU
Kevin Crampton, WHO
Eric Carlson, ILO
Samantha Pegoraro, WHO

Régie publicitaire
Advertising agency

BuxumLunic SA
+41 79 560 48 28



5000 exemplaires/copies

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Adressez vos commentaires à :
Garry Aslanyan – newSpecial
OMS, 20 av. Appia
CH-1202 Genève

Au service du personnel des organisations in-
ternationales de Genève depuis 1949.

Le magazine newSpecial est publié par l’Association du personnel du siège de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS). Les opinions exprimées dans newSpecial sont celles des auteurs, et non forcément celles de l’ONU, de l’OMS ou de ses agences spécialisées. La parution de ce magazine dépend uniquement du support financier de la publicité prise en charge par une régie.

Would you like to share your opinion about newSpecial and its contents? We will be glad to hear from you. The most interesting, relevant, or even ingenious responses will be published in the magazine. Should you wish to submit an article or a subject, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

Send your thoughts to:
Garry Aslanyan – newSpecial
WHO, 20, av Appia
CH-1202 Geneva

Serving the people of international organiza-
tions in Geneva since 1949.

The newSpecial magazine is published by the Headquarters Staff Association of the World Health Organization (WHO). The opinions in newSpecial are those of the authors, not necessarily those of the United Nations, the WHO or its specialized agencies. The publication of this magazine relies solely on the financial support of its advertisers.